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Long Overdue

Hey, this is me, L.A. Frederick trying to get a bit more content moving on my website and sit in front of the keys and hammer out some words!

Here goes, what have I been up to of late? Well, in truth, not a lot of writing. I can’t put my finger on it, but the last thing I officially published was “The Night Badger” in July 2020. Now, at the time, I had plans for books four, five and six for the Songs of Star & Winter series, but once I launched the opening trilogy, I got bogged down in launch marketing (Something I’m still new to having published six novels and four short stories since 2017).

And then the dreaded day job hit – the last few years of my professional day job have been very up and down with Covid hitting just as I switched jobs. It left me with a horrible four-month period of not knowing if I’d start my new career in the knowledge that my old company would not take me back!

So the grim reality is that between the summer of 2020 to late 2022 I’ve been head down with nailing the day job to ensure I’m a little more settled – this has been draining and sapped any time or energy I’ve had for creative writing. I acknowledge that fact and that it halted the progress between 2017-2020. 

But now I’m starting to get my head down on learning Amazon Ads via The Author Ad School run by Bryan Cohen. I brought the challenge back in 2020 and got quite far but never completed the training videos or the full testing on Amazon, again pesky day job situation.

I’m slowly getting my way through the course getting ad impressions, clicks, and a trickle of sales starting to reappear, having been a reasonable (by my standards) flow back in 2020.

The plan for the remainder of 2022 is to complete this course. Simple.

For 2023, I have another course, again one I booked years ago started and then ran out of time and inspiration. 2023 I’ll get this one completed too.

After that, I hope the writing bug will reappear, and I can start working on something new. The guilt I feel at not writing never leaves me, and I have a ton of half-started ideas in word docs, so it’s there. I have to get back into the groove.

Even getting these few hundred words down, reviewed and published feels like a tiny step in the tens of thousands I’ll have to take to achieve my goal of making this a full-time vocation.